What the heck is this website?

It's a website I was forced to make for a class about me. So... I'll tell you my legend, it dates back to the late 90's when I was born. I was an adorable baby. I would put a picture of me as a baby, but ain't nobody got time for that. (there will be references throughout this entire thing. Most will be fandom) Let's just skip my childhood. Nothing interesting happened. I'll just skip to the part of my life when I joined fandoms. Just kidding... I'm not telling you my life story. This is not an anime!

Just look around and enjoy getting scarred for life!

Below is my one of my favorite songs! 

Great dress up game website links below!

Some helpful sites for if you are trying to write stories/fanfics.

Some random pictures I like.

Bonjour! I'm le French Toast.
